Church Staff

Pastor Jim Davidson
Pastor Jim Davidson was born into a moral family but did not come to know Jesus Christ as his Savior until the age of 20 while serving in the United States Navy. In 1996 he married the love of his life, Missy, and they began to get involved in the local church. It was through this involvement that God began to burden him for ministry. In 2000, he and Missy surrendered to God’s calling on their lives. Pastor Davidson received his training at Ambassador Baptist College and attended MBC for several years as a member. He subsequently served for over nine years as an assistant and youth pastor in Virginia & West Virginia. God called Pastor Davidson and his family back to Shelby, NC in 2014, where he has a passion to reach the community with the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. God has blessed him & Missy with four children.

Quincy Davidson - Music
Quincy was raised in a Christian Home and was saved at a young age. He began playing the piano in K-5 and added the trumpet in 3rd grade, with his passion for music growing as he did. In high school, he started taking voice lessons, and after completing his college degree in Bible and music, he returned home to pursue a Master’s degree. Quincy capably leads our music ministry. He is responsible for ensuring that our congregational song services are vibrant and Christ-honoring, while also organizing special music and directing the church choir.

Jon Thompson - Teens
Jon and Merribeth met in Bible college and were married in 1989. The Lord has blessed them with seven children and a growing number of grandchildren. Jon grew up in a pastor’s home and has served in many facets of the local church ministry including Sunday school teacher, assistant pastor, youth pastor, Christian school principal/teacher and athletic director. He and Merribeth now both serve on faculty and staff at Ambassador Baptist College.
They have been an integral part of Maranatha since moving from Michigan to North Carolina in 2020. They have a love for young people that is contagious. Their dedication to mentoring and guiding young people in their walk with Christ has impacted many lives.