Children's Church
During the Sunday Morning Worship, children ages K4-3rd grade are dismissed to participate in Children’s Church. They sing Bible songs, enjoy activities, and hear Bible lessons that are taught by capable and energetic teachers

Sunday School
Our Children’s Sunday School classes (offered for children 2 years old through 6th grade) begin Sunday mornings at 10:00am. Caring and trained teachers seek to help students learn and love God by using curriculum that systemically studies the Bible.
Master Clubs
Master Clubs starts at 6:45pm on Wednesday nights from September through April.
Our purpose through Master Clubs is to evangelize, disciple, teach, train, & provide opportunities for children to serve God now!
Master Clubs can be summed up in one word: Discipleship. Discipleship is something that happens “on purpose,” and goes beyond sitting in a room and hearing a lesson taught. Discipleship is one on one interaction between a child and a leader. This allows our leaders to reach into the hearts of children and help them grow from where they are now to what God wants them to be. Jesus was a master teacher, yet He chose to only closely disciple twelve. Master Clubs creates the perfect opportunity to begin that discipleship relationship with the children in our church and community.

Church Nursery
Whether you are a regularly attending family or visiting, we are happy to provide you a well-organized Nursery for your little ones (infant–3 yrs old) during every service.
Our Nursery is staffed by caring ladies who have been trained in the church’s policies and procedures.
Creating a safe, clean, and nurturing environment for children to learn about God is our goal in the Nursery Ministry