On Demand

Finding Your Spiritual Gifts

February 12, 2017
Bible Text: Romans 12:6-8 | Preacher: Jim Davidson
Bible Text: John 1 | Preacher: Jim Davidson | Series: Lessons through the Gospel of John

Who is God to You?

February 5, 2017
Bible Text: 1 Samuel 1 | Preacher: Jim Davidson

Spiritual Gifts

February 5, 2017
Bible Text: Romans 12:6 | Preacher: Jim Davidson
Preacher: Matthew Hanke | Series: Is the Bible God’s Word?

Statue or Soldier?

February 4, 2017
Bible Text: Ezekiel 37:1-10 | Preacher: Joel Smothers

What Is Your Legacy?

February 4, 2017
Bible Text: Hebrews 11:21 | Preacher: Jim Davidson
Bible Text: John 1:1-5 | Preacher: Jim Davidson | Series: Lessons through the Gospel of John

Hell is a Terrible Reality

January 29, 2017
Preacher: Jim Davidson 2017/01/29 PM

Contend for the Faith

January 29, 2017
Bible Text: Jude 3-4 | Preacher: Jim Davidson